
The voltage relays find wide scope of applications in:

  • the protection of electric power systems (transformers, generators etc.)
  • signalling the network voltage conditions for equipment cut-out or close-in as protection from failures
  • schemes of local transformer substation control (automatic close-in or cut-out of stand-by feeders, sections, etc.)
  • any point where a.c. voltage value monitoring is required

The scope of applications has been further extended by the availability of the voltage relays UN and UP with instantaneous operation (UN 10 and UP 10) or delayed operation (UN 14 and UP 14). The operation voltage and time delay are continuously adjustable within the setting range, so very accurate settings of required values are possible.

The voltage relays are independent devices of the system for automatic control in transformer stations SAUT. As the other units of the System the voltage relays are static devices with only their actuating elements being electromechanical relays permitting both direct control and signalling as well as galvanic isolation of signalling and control power circuits from internal circuitry of the unit.
The units are housed in a standard case for surface mounting (see dimensional drawing in fig. 3). The front plate, under a glazed cover, bears the elements for setting of operation voltage U/Un and time delay t>, and a block diagram with a connection diagram is printed on the cover.
Reaching of the volage value set on scale U/Un results in an intantaneous operation of the relay "b" and of the time dely circuit t>.
Should the time delay circuit t> be activated for longer than the time set on scale t> (0,1-6) s, relay "a" will be operated after elapse of the set time, and its contacts closed. However, with the time delay circuit t> activated for shorter than the time set on scale t>, relay "a" will not be operated.
The voltage relays are all static units (integrated circuits and discrete semiconductor components). Such construction offers higher accuracy, faster operation, higher reliability, pick-up to drop-off ratio very close to 1, minimum power drain and practically unlimited life time. Having no moving parts except auxiliary relays at the output, the unit requires no special inspection or maintenance.
The electronic circuitry is galvanically isolated from the signalling and control circuits by an internal input transformer and a multipole electromechanical relay of high breaking capacity at the output. The effects of pick-up
voltages from power circuits have thus been remarkably reduced.
Technical data
Rated voltage
100V, 110, 220V; 50Hz
Setting range
0,3-1,6 U/Un
Setting accuracy
Setting range of time delay
(0,1 do 6)s
Accuracy of operation
bolja od 50 ms za t<1 s
5% za t>1 s
Overload capability
2 Un
Pick-up to drop-off ratio
> 0,95 za UP
> 1,05 za UN
Power drain from measuring circuit
1 mA pri 0,3 U/UN
8 mA pri 2 U/Un
Power drain from auxiliary voltage source
oko 4W kod 110 V=
8 W kod 220 V=
Operating frequency
47 ¸ 100 Hz
How to order
  • type of unit
  • rated voltage Un
  • auxiliary voltage Up