RSK - 80
Application |
The relay annunciator unit RSK 80 finds application in electric powerand
industrial plants for monitoring the operation of protective relays; in
turbine protection for monitoring the control values (oil flow monitoring,
cooling water flow monitoring, temperature incerease monitoring, oil pressure
monitoring, etc.) and in switch gears for monitoring the compressed air
pressure and the like. The RSK 80 unit contains eight auxiliary relays
and serves to furnish audible and light information on contact closure
of protective relays with capability of selecting the signal type for
remote annunciation by means ofajumperon the unit front plate.
Description |
The RSK 80 unit announces the operation of protective relay contacts
in the following method: When the protection contact has been operated,
the' corresponding relay is energized and its contacts are closed; one
set of these contacts turns on the corresponding signal lamp which lights
with permanent intensity, ana tne otner set of contacts gives a signal
for remote annunciation to the terminal 13 oftheterminal block K2. The
remote annunciation signal can be selected between fast blinking and slow
blinking light by means of a jumper arranged on the unit front plate under
the cover. Fast blinking light is fed to the terminal 14 of the terminal
block K2 which is wired to the bus "a", and slow blinking light
to the terminal 15 of the terminal block K2 wired to the bus "b";.
By inserting a jumper into "a" or "b", it is possible
to selecte between fast and slow blinking light for remote annunciation
of associated protection contact. The remaining set of contacts serves
to keep the relay energized until a resetting command is given via the
terminal 8 of the terminal block K1. If the permanent light lamp continues
to light after resetting command, it means the protection contact is still
closed due to a persisting failure. After removing the persisting failure
it is necessary to issue a repeated resetting command and the permanent
light will go off. If the protection signal was only temporary, i.e. only
a short duration contact closure of the protection occured, the permanent
light will go off after first resetting command.
The protection contact simultaneously energizes the alarm relay ATP-10
which is to be wired to the terminal 7 of the terminal block K1. Lamp
test is performed by apolying positive pole of the auxiliary voltage source
to the terminal 24 of the terminal block K2.
Features |
The RSK 80 unit has a wide scope of apolication. It does not require
any inspection or maintenance; it is not susceptible to vibrations and
mounting position. It is housed into a standard housing for surface mounting,
see fig. 2. The employed auxiliary relays are high quality relays offering
a reliable performance and long life. Printed circuit board wiring technique
has been applied, and easily accessible fast acting fuses arranged on
the printed circuit board under the unit cover are incorporated for the
protection. External connections of the unit are made on two terminal
blocks K1 and K2 containing each 12 terminals.
AC or DC power supply
source Up
220 V
110 V
48 V
24 V
Number of circuits |
for input signals |
for audible signals |
1 and more
for horn resetting |
1 and more
for light resetting |
for fast blinking light |
for slow blinking light |
for lamp test |
for light annunciation |
Number of auxiliary relays |
Total number of terminals |
Terminal type |
up to 10 mm2 screwed connection
Power requirement |
for DC supply source 220V |
cca 3W
for AC supply source 220V |
cca 3VA
for DC supply source 24, 48 i 110V |
1,5W approx.
Relay contacts ratings |
maximum voltage |
continuous current |
current at make |
breaking capacity |
for DC at L/R =40 ms 20W
for AC at cosj=1 1000VA
Protection |
IP42(DIN 40050)
Ambient temperature range |
-10oCšš to
+ 50oC
Test voltage |
2 kV, 50Hz, 1 min.
Mass |
2 kg approx.
Dimensions |
see fig. 2
How to order |
- type of and voltage of the auxiiary source of supply Up
- Number of input signals (maximum 8 are possible)
For all inquiries please contact the manufacturer.
Subject to change eithout prior notice.