EuroProt familija
The optical multiplexer of type OMPX-EP is part of device family named EuroProt.This short description contains special data of this type. General and common features of EuroProt family can be found in the EuroProt system information sheet. Accordingly it is proposed to study both this short description and system information sheet too, in order to understand the device entirely.
Application field
The digital protection devices made by ELKO-PROTECTA communicate with the SCADA system via serial communication line, or connected to a fibre optic loop they can be supervised by the protection engineering workstation. This latter connection is suitable for connection protective devices equipped with optional disturbance recorder module to the monitoring and archiving system. The protective devices receive binary signals via opto-coupler inputs, and give command and signals on the relay outputs. If the connections mentioned above have to be realised among devices of a plant of large area located far away from each others, e.g. industrial plant, oil mining area, etc., then an economic solution can be to collect information in individual part-areas into one device, and the information is sent via common long distance fibre optic cable to the central data collection centre.
The OMPX-EP type optical multiplexer is a device designed for data collection and communication of this kind.
Main features

Hardware characteristics:

  • digital signal processing
  • modular structure
  • device extension suitable for the special tasks


  • 2x16 character LCD display for setting the functions
  • on-line screen on external PC to make commissioning and testing easier
  • external communication interface for long distance fibre optic data communication and for connection the individual devices
  • the set parameters can be saved and downloaded
  • real time clock handling with the aid of RAM with battery, (which can be synchronised via optical fibre cable connected to external PC, to the SCADA system, or through an optical cable)
Working principle
The device is composed of the following modules, the configuration can be assembled according to the requirements:

OX module: optical interface and multiplexer

The optical interface and multiplexer unit is the driver of the fibre optic cable for the long distance data communication, and it distributes the received data to the eight channels.
  • the driver of the fibre optic cable is a laser diode (1300 nm)
  • the receiver element of the fibre optic connection is the IGaAs detector
  • the modulation speed of the fibre optic cable is 10 MHz
  • the data communication speed of the fibre optic cable is 1,2 Mbaud
This module contains a serial optic interface for the case, if a single information local channel is sufficient. A single information channel can handle the information amount of practically any number (maximum 255) of protection and disturbance recorders.
The number of OX modules determines the number of independent directions, the device can perform long distance data communication.

DX module: digital interface and multiplexer unit

The digital interface and multiplexer unit handles the local digital information exchange received or sent by fibre optic cables, and it has direct connection via internal bus of the device with the CPU. A single module can connect maximum four local information channels.
If not all connection possibilities of the OX module are used, then the not used channels can transmit binary signals.

OPTO module: input unit for binary signals

The task of the OPTO module is to interface 220 V DC binary signals to the internal bus system of the device. A single OPTO module can receive 8 digital signals.

RELAY module: relay unit

The relay unit contains the output contacts of the device. A single module contains 4 galvanic independent Morse contacts. The configuration of the device is coded with the following name: OMPXa-b, where: "a" means the number of the OX modules, so the number of the independent high distance communication channels, "b" means the number of local serial channels, an OX module with the associated OX module can handle.
The coding of the configuration supposes, that the device contains complete units, consisting a DX, an OX, an OPTO and two RELAYmodules.
The OMPX-EP device is a fully microprocessor based construction, the functions and their versions are realised basically on software.
The device contains more 87C196 type 16 bit micro-controller. The program is stored in the internal EPROM of the controller, the message text for the display is stored in EPROM as well. The parameter setting is loaded in EEPROM. Events are recorded in battery supplied RAM. The man-machine interface consists of a keyboard with six push-buttons, above it the two row, 2x16 character LCD display, seven LEDs and two SW pushbuttons. With the help of an external PC and communication software the handling of the device is easier.
Technical data
OX module
Optical code Manchester
Optical speed 10 MHz
Communication speed 1,2 Mbit/s
Optical sending element Laser diode
Wave length 1300 nm
Greatest allowed attenuation -5 dBm
Optical connection FC PC or ST
Serial I/O baudrate 150...19200 Baud (step 2x)
Serial communication fibre optic cable
DX module
Number of serial channels Max 4
Serial I/O baudrate 150...19200 Baud (step 2x)
Serial communication fibre optic cable
Optical fibre cable operation mode serial or loop
OPTO module
Opto-coupler inputs (8 pcs) 220 V DC (or as requested)
RELAY module
Output contacts, electrical data:
rated switching voltage
continuous load current
making current
DC breaking capability at 220 V,
at pure conductive load
at load of L/R = 40 ms
option at load of L/R = 40 ms

250 V
8 A
16 A

0,25 A
0,14 A
4 A
Auxiliary DC voltage (the same supply unit)
voltage tolerance
220 V or 110 V
88 V to 310 V
General data
Power consumption 5/7 W
Permissible ambient temperature 0o to 50o C
Insulation test (IEC 255) 2 kV, 50 Hz
5 kV, 1.2/50 µs
Disturbance test (IEC 255) 2.5 kV, 1 MHz
Electrostatic discharge (ESD; IEC 801-2) 8 kV
Burst test, (IEC 801-4) 2 kV
Radio frequency interference (IEC 255) 10 V/m
Time delay for self check error signalling 2 s, fixed
Station code 0...254
Device code 0...254
Design, size

An EuroProt device is always rack mounted, it has two design forms. One of the form is suitable to be mounted into standard 19" cabinet frame, this form is also suitable to be mounted directly to a relay panel with flash mounted form. The other form is a relay panel mounted device with raised-hinged form.

Rack mounting
483 mm
132,5 mm
201 mm
Panel mounting
490 mm
250 mm
250 mm

Weight: 8 kg.

The device can be extended by optional units:
  • digital disturbance recorder (see separate information sheet)
  • SCADA connection (see EuroProt system information sheet)
  • output relays with 4 A breaking capability
Information required with order
  • Protection type [OMPXa-b-EP]
  • Protection case type
  • Output relay contact type [NC or NO, if deviates from the Technical Data]
  • Need of output relays with 4 A breaking capability