EuroProt familija
The digital distance protection with automatic reclosing equipment for medium voltage networks of type DKTVA-EP is part of device family named EuroProt. This short description contains special data of this type. General and common features of EuroProt family can be found in the EuroProt system information sheet. Accordingly it is proposed to study both this short description and system information sheet too, in order to understand the device entirely.

Application field
The DKTVA-EP type digital distance protection completed with sensitive earth fault protection and automatic fault locator is applied as a selective phase and sensitive earth fault protection of an overhead line or cable in a medium voltage network which is effectively not earthed, but isolated or compensated and meshed.

A three shot three phase automatic reclosing equipment is also built into the protection.

Main features
  • electronic device with module system, controlled by microprocessors set-up from IC's placed on plugged PCB's
  • four stages each with impedance polygon characteristic
  • the first three stages have forward direction, the 4th stage is directed to backward
  • the 1st and the 2nd stages measure by equation of Uline/Iline as a classical measuring unit principle
  • the 3rd and 4th impedance stages measure by equation of Uline/2*Uphase as a classical starting unit principle
  • impedance detection with three point measuring principle being insensitive to CT saturation
  • directional detection without dead zone on close-in-fault
  • single earth fault detection as follows:
    • sensitive zero sequence OC stage with independent timer (3Io>t)
    • sensitive directional zero sequence OC stage (3Io>UoIoj t) with operation condition of zero sequence voltage relay (Uo>)
  • double earth fault selective detection with cyclic separation as follows:
    • with distance protection
    • high current zero sequence OC stage with independent timer (3Io>>t)
  • instantaneous definitive trip on manual close-to-fault
  • message appearing on LCD when protection operation
  • three phase OC relay with independent timer, to be active on tripping of VT midget CB only
  • operation time is 25 ± 5 ms
  • one fast reclosing cycle (FR)
  • two slow reclosing cycles (1SR,2SR)
  • accelerated or selective trip at first trip, after FR, after 1SR and at definitive trip
  • each reclosing cycle may be set to be active or blocked
  • automatic recloser may be separately set to phase faults and to earth faults
  • two setting parameter packages may be pre-set to be easily possible to change the automatic recloser working mode manually or by SCADA
  • the device may be set to instantaneous Uo> trip during WUV (Work Under Voltage)
  • digital design with independent A/D converter, digital signal processor (DSP) and separate main processor
  • automatic fault locator displaying the last fault data
  • built-in self check function with dc supply check, trip/close circuit check and Watch Dog, with healthy-to-work failure signal and message on LCD display
  • external communication connectors for RS 232 on front plate, and for optical fibre cable on back plate
  • event log for storing 50 events, event sequence recorder with 1 ms resolution for 300 events
  • 16 optical coupler inputs
  • 16 output relay contacts, 6 of which have fixed operation, 10 of which may be freely programmed by matrix
  • type changing (NO or NC) of last 10 relay contacts may be required on ordering (NO's in factory)
  • intelligent digital function matrix
  • additional two timers (T1, T2) used in matrix
  • the matrix rows are the relay functions, they may be programmed to self-holding
  • the matrix columns are the programmable output relay contacts
  • handling protection (to set, to display messages, to inquire event recorder data, etc.) by external PC, or by built-in man-machine connection
  • on-line screen display may be seen on an external PC to be easy commissioning and testing, to get real time current values
  • real time clock handling with the aid of a RAM with battery, which may be synchronised through an optical fibre cable by external PC or through a digital optical coupler
Working principles
The current and voltage inputs go through inductive auxiliary transformers and low pass filters to the multiplexer and the sample/hold circuit which gets sample in each 0,5 ms. Signals of an A/D converter go through high speed series bus to the central unit and to the fault recorder if it was ordered as an option. On the PCB of central unit, a digital signal processor (DSP) makes necessary arithmetical operations with high speed. A central processor carries out the time delaying and logical functions, and holds interconnections with the optical coupler inputs and the output relay drivers.

The overcurrent stages (3Io>t, I>t) detect current with average measurement. The operation conditions of the phase OC stage is that the VT midget CB trips, i.e. when the impedance stages are also blocked.

The distance protection has got four directed impedance stages,. the first three stages have forward direction, the 4th stage is directed to backward

The four stages of the distance protection are blocked by the VT midget CB trip.

All the four distance protection stages have polygon characteristics in the impedance plane, see Figure 1.


Figure 1.

All the four impedance stages work with an algorithm solving the transmission line differential equation.

The momentary values of six impedance measuring units of the protection calculated may be read on an on-line screen of an external PC connected to the protection. Checking the proper connection of analogue inputs is helped by an on-line screen on which each analogue signal may be inquired. The suitable directional connection of device may be also known, checked by symmetrical load current.

The distance protection is able to receive permissive overreach and underreach transfer trip command from the distance protection placed on the other side of the protected line. The command overrides the second stage timer [t(Z2<) = 0].

On close-in-fault, the protection remembers the voltage before the fault. This feature gives a direction detection without dead zone.

On close-to-fault, the fact of whole voltage collapse (neither before nor under the fault) determines the close-to-fault event, so if there is current detection in the same time as well, the protection trips instantaneously and definitely.

On an effectively not earthed network, the current value of a single earth fault is fairly low compared to the phase fault current. The single earth fault is catched by a sensitive directional zero sequence OC stage (3Io>UoIoj t), which has an operation condition of zero sequence voltage relay (Uo>) for safety.

On an effectively not earthed network, a double earth fault, i.e.single earth faults in two different phases and two different places occurs very frequently.

If double earth fault occurs in one line, the distance protection trips it.

If the two earth faults occur on two different lines, the distance protection system trips always the line on which the fault takes places before the other in phase sequence (cyclic selection system).

Three shot three phase automatic reclosing equipment is built into the device. Any possibility of the reclosing cycles may be separately blocked.

The reclaim time of the automatic recloser is set to teml = 5 s, fixed.

Operation of some output relay contacts, of the logical (dc) busbar protection and of two additional timers (matrix column units) may be separately programmed by software matrix.

Seven red LED's on the front plate give fast information about the events on protection operation.

Technical data
Rated secondary current, In 1 A or 5 A
Rated secondary voltage (line), Un 100 V or 200 V
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Overload capacity
voltage circuit, thermal, continuous
current circuit, thermal, continuous
1 s

100×In (if In = 1 A), 50×In (if In = 5 A)
Dynamic current limit 100×In
Accuracy, impedance relays, (over 50 % In) ± 5 %
Accuracy, current relays, (over 50 % In) ± 2 %
Accuracy, timers, with 10 ms steps
with 1 s steps
± 3 ms
± 12 ms
Hysteresis, impedance stages 15 %
Reset ratio, current relays 95 %
Binary inputs (opto-coupled) 16 pcs
Output relay contacts 16 pcs
Output contacts, electrical data:
rated switching voltage
continuous load current
making current
DC. breaking capability at 220 V,
at pure conductive load
at load of L/R =40 ms
optionally at load of L/R =40 ms

250 V
8 A
16 A

0.25 A
0.14 A
4 A
Auxiliary DC. voltage
voltage tolerance
220 V or 110 V (the same supply unit)
88 to 310 V
Permissible ambient temperature 0° to 50°C
Insulation test (IEC 255) 2 kV, 50 Hz
5 kV, 1.2/50 ms
Disturbance test (IEC 255) 2.5 kV, 1 MHz
Electrostatic discharge (ESD, IEC 801-2) 8 kV
Burst test (IEC 801-4) 2 kV
Electromagnetic radiation IEC 801-3
Setting ranges:
Impedance stages on real axis, R

on imaginary axis, X
0 to 10000×(*10*Cu*Ci) mW
steps 10×(*10*Cu*Ci) mW
0 to 10000×(*10*Cu*Ci) mW
steps 10×(*10*Cu*Ci) mW
Setting of directional relay,
angular coefficient on X axis, -R1/X1
angular coefficient on R axis, -X1/R1
0 to 50 %, steps 1 %
0 to 50 %, steps 1 %
Line impedance for fault locator,
Xn (line)×(*10*Cu*Ci)

100 to 5000 mW,
steps 10 mW

The factors found in above parameter equations: (*10*Cu*Ci) =Un/10*In
CT primary rated current, In 50 to 1500 A, steps 25 A
Phase OC relay, I> / In
(operates on VT midget CB trip only)
30 to 2500 %, steps 5 %
Sensitive zero sequence OC stage,
3Io> /In
10 to 104 %, steps 2 %
High current zero sequence OC stage,
3Io>> /In
50 to 2500 %, steps 5 %
Zero sequence directional relay,
minimum angle, j(IoUo)min
0 to 359°, steps 1°
Zero sequence directional relay,
maximum angle, j(IoUo)max
0 to 359°, steps 1°
Zero sequ. directional relay, reset ratio
(hysteresis angle), j(IoUo)hyst
0 to 359°, steps 1°
Residual voltage relay, Uo> / Un
(zero sequence voltage relay)
0 to 100 %, steps 1 %
Separate timers:
Impedance stage timers, t 0 to 60000 ms, steps 10 ms
1st additional timer, t[T1] 0 to 60000 ms, steps 10 ms
2nd additional timer, t[T2] 0 to 600 s, steps 1 s
Phase OC timer, t[I>] 0 to 60000 ms, steps 10 ms
Sensitive zero sequ. OC timer, t[3Io>] 0 to 60000 ms, steps 10 ms
High set zero sequ. OC timer, t[3Io>>] 0 to 60000 ms, steps 10 ms
Voltage stage timer, t[U>] 0 to 60000 ms, steps 10 ms
Voltage stage reset timer at earth fault holding, treset [U>] 0 to 600 s, steps 1 s
FR dead time 0 to 60000 ms, steps 10 ms
1SR and 2SR dead time 0 to 600 s, steps 1 s
Healthy-to-work failure signal timer 0 to 600 s, steps 1 s
External communication type optical fibre cable or RS 232
Optical fibre cable operation mode radial or loop
Series communication speed (BaudRate) 150 to 19200 Baud, (with twice steps)
Daily automatic self-check time 0 to 23 hour 59 min., steps 1 min.
Automatic self-check block setting to 60 min.
No. of substations within a system 0 to 254
No. of devices within a substation 0 to 254
Design, size
An EuroProt device is always rack mounting. It has two design forms. One of the forms is suitable to mount into a standard 19" inch cabinet frame, this form is also able to mount directly to a relay panel with flash mounted form. The other form is a relay panel mounted device with raised-hinged form. Its size depends on the chosen form.

Outline size of a 19 inch cabinet frame mounted device and a panel mounted device with flash mounted form is as follows.

483 mm
132,5 mm
201 mm

Outline size of a panel mounted device with raised-hinged form is as follows.

490 mm
250 mm
250 mm

Weight 8 kg.

Some especial units as built-in parts may be required to be delivered with the distance protection as follows:
  • digital fault recorder
  • longitudinal differential protection
  • SCADA connection
  • relay contacts with 4 A breaking capability
  • toroidal type CT input PCB
Data to be ordered
  • Protection type [DKTVA-EP]
  • Protection case type [19 inch cabinet frame mounted device, panel mounted
  • device with flash mounted form, panel mounted device with raised-hinged form]
  • Rated current [1 A, 5 A]
  • Rated voltage [100 V, 200 V]
  • Output relay contact types (if deviates from the Technical Data)