EuroProt familija
The digital phase selective protection and automatic recloser for radial line end of type DCVA-EP, DCVA-DTVA-EP is part of device family named EuroProt. This short description contains special data of this type. General and common features of EuroProt family can be found in the EuroProt system information sheet. Accordingly it is proposed to study both this short description and system information sheet too, in order to understand the device entirely.
Application field
The DCV A-EP digital protection is designed for application on solidly grounded netwprks at consumer transformers, fed by radial line or at "T" connected line end. The task of DCVA-EP protection is to disconnect the appropriate phase of the transformer circuit breaker at the radial or "T" connected line end, in case of single phase to ground fault. This should happen at the same time as or after the single phase interruption at the sending end of the line. Following the successful reclosing at the sending end it recloses automatically the circuit breaker after the set dead time.
Concerning the dimensions, structure and connections of the device version DCVA-DTVA, it is identical with that of the DTVA-EP type digital distance protection. If the network is extended, and the concerned substation with radial topology is becoming part of the mashed network, the protection needs only software upgrading, and without further
secondary changes in the bay, the device can be operated as distance protection.
Main features

Overcurrent function:

  • two zero sequence overcurrent stages (Io>>, Io>) with fix and definite time delay

Overvoltage/undervoltage stage:

  • three-phase function with phase selective operation

Software characteristics:

  • built-in self check functions
  • digital event recorder for 50 event, event sequence recording with I ms time resolution for max. 300 events
  • analog event recorder for short-circuit current and voltage data
  • intelligent digital function matrix

Hardware characteristics:

  • fully numerical type, with individual A/D converters, digital signal processors (DSP) and separate main processor (DCVA-DTVA-EP version)
  • 8 opto-coupler inputs
  • 16 output contacts
  • type of output contacts (NC, NO) can be selected when ordering


  • relay setting with 2x16 character LCD display, suitable also for text messages and for event log display
  • on-line screen of auxiliary PC for support of commissioning
  • auxiliary communication connection selectable for RS 232 or fibre optic cable
  • optional SCADA connection with IEC 870 protocol
  • parameters can be saved and saved parameters can be downloaded again
  • real-time clock with battery-fed RAM (which can be synchronised via fibre-optic connection by auxiliary PC, by the SCADA system, or via opto-coupler digital input)
Principle of operation
The DCVA-EP device is a fully microprocessor based construction, the functions and their versions are realised basically on software.
The device contains more 87C196 type 16 bit micro-controller and a DSP performing digital signal processing. The program is stored in EPROM, the message text for the display is stored in EPROM as well. The parameter setting is loaded in EEPROM. Events are recorded in battery supplied RAM.
The man-machine interface consists of a keyboard with six push-buttons, above it the two row, 2x16 character LCD display, seven LEDs and two SW pushbuttons. With auxiliary PC and with the handling program a device can easier be operated.
The analog current and voltage inputs are connected via inductive internal measuring transformers and low-pass filters to the multiplexer then to the A/D converter, where all current and voltage signals are sampled in every 0,5 ms. The sampled values of the 16 bit A/D converter are passed via high speed CAN bus to the digital signal processors (DSP), which perform arithmetic operation with high speed. The outputs of the DSP are the processed and evaluated measurements, as "started" signals of the relay functions, which are sent to the CPU. The timers and logic functions are performed here. The central processor communicates via parallel bus with the opto-coupler inputs and with the relay drivers.
The protection measures the 120 kV voltage and current of the transformer. The evaluated current is the zero sequence 3Io current at the 120 kV side, the evaluated voltages are Ur, Us, Ut at the 120 kV side.
As In case of single phase to ground fault on the line the transformer supplies zero sequence current, the starting element of the short-circuit protection function is the two stage zero sequence overcurrent protection, according to parameter setting. The low set overcurrent stage detects all kinds of single phase to ground fault located on the whole length of the line, and because of selectivity reasons, it has a time delay to be set by parameters.
The high set overcurrent stage has to operate only in case of ground faults on the protected line. To over-bridge the switching transients, it has a short, fix 100 ms time delay. The selection of the faulty phase is made by undervolatge relays in each phese, set by parameters.
The protection at the line end must operate only in case of single phase ground faults, for this reason the programming of the function assures, that it will not operate in case two or three phase voltage dips.
The protection based on the 120 kV side Ur , Us and Ut voltages operates not only by undervoltage function, but based on other parameters as overvoltage protection as well, the measured values of which are necessary for automatic reclosing. In case of single phase fault the protection selects the faulty phase, and issues a single phase trip command with or without time delay, then an automatic reclosing is initiated. The time delay measurement for the dead time is started either if the voltage recovers to the healthy three phase value, or at the moment of the CB trip, according to the logic parameter set. After the trip of the circuit breaker ("CB" closed status signals) two time counting is started at the same time (tEVA and tLVA timers). The protection recloses the circuit breaker if the voltage is healthy either after expiry of the tEVA counter or when tLV A timer is running, and the voltage is healthy in all the three phases. In this way the three phase healthy operation is recovered, and the protection resets without external interaction.
If during the tLVA timer runtime the three phase voltage does not recover, or if the fault occurs again, then automatic reclosing function stops, and a definitive single phase trip state remains until the interaction of the operator.
The software delivered with DCVA-120/EP digital phase selective line protection and automatic recloser allows reading on-line information characteristic to the momentary state of the protection, and request and displaying digital events, and setting of the function parameters.

On-line information:

  • 120kV side 10 current in A and Ur , Us, Ut phase voltages in kV, operation and drop off of functions, display of three phase healthy voltages
  • state of the signals received on opto-coupler inputs
  • counting of single phase trip commands, automatic reclosing, and definitive trip commands
  • service display to check and test the device

The digital event recorder stores the following events:

  • DCVA enabling
  • DCVA local enabling
  • voltage dependent single remote enabling
  • remote disabling
  • Ut undervoltage
  • definitive trip
  • Io>> operated
  • Io> operated
  • phase reclosing, R phase trip, CB failure, acknowledgement, S phase trip, self-check disturbance
  • Ur undervolatge, T phase trip, Us undervolatge, automatic reclosing

Beside the digital events the protection stores events evaluated in graphical form, the signals of which are as follows: Io>> and Io> operation, Ur, Us, Ut undervolatge, DCVA trip, automatic reclosing, definitive trip

Technical data
Rated secondary current, In
1 A or 5 A
Rated secondary voltage (line), Un 100 V
Rated frequency

50 Hz

Overload capacity, thermal
voltage circuit, continuous
current circuit, continuous
1 s

100xIn (In=1 A), 50xIn (In=5 A)
Dynamic current limit 100xIn
Accuracy, voltage relays (above 50% Un )
current relays (above 50% In)
± 2%
± 2%
± 3 ms (steps 10 ms)
± 12 ms (steps 1 s)
Reset ratio, current relays 95%
Number of output relays
12 kom
Type of contacts (NO / NC) 1 NC, 11 NO (or as requested)
Output contacts ratings:
rated switching voltage
continuous load current
switching on current
breaking current at 220 V dc,
pure conductive circuit
L/R = 40 ms load
option at load of L/R = 40 ms

250 V
8 A
16 A

0,25 A
0,14 A
4 A
Auxiliary DC voltage (the same supply unit)
voltage tolerance
220 V or 110 V
88 V to 310 V
Permissive ambient temperature 0o to 50o C
Insulation test (IEC 255) 2 kV, 50 Hz
5 kV, 1.2/50 µs
Disturbance test (IEC 255) 2.5 kV, 1 MHz
Electrostatic discharge (ESD; IEC 801-2) 8 kV
Burst test, (IEC 801-4) 2 kV
Setting ranges
Low set overcurrent function Io>/In(AV) 10-1000%, step 10%
High set overcurrent function Io>>/In(AV) 10-1000%, step 10%
CT rated primary current, In(AV) 100-1250 A, step 50 A
Phase selective undervoltage function 10-100%, step 1%
Overvoltage function 10-100%, step 1%
CT rated primary voltage 10-250 kV, step 1 kV
Time delay, overcurrent function Io> 100-5000 ms, step 100 ms
tEVA single phase short reclosing dead time 100-6000 ms, step 100 ms
tLVA single phase dead time 10-100 s, step 1 s
Logic parametar: voltage dependent APU 1=yes, 0=no
Helathy to work failure signal timer, t(fail) 2 s, fixed
External communication type RS 232/fibre optical cable
Optical cable operation mode Radial or loop
External communication speed (BaudRate) 150 to 19200, step 2x
Daily automatic self-check time minutes 0 to 23 h 59 min, step 1 min
Automatic self-check block to 60 min
Design, size
An EuroProt device is always rack mounted, it has two design forms. One of the form is suitable to be mounted into standard 19" cabinet frame, this form is also suitable to be mounted directly to a relay panel with flash mounted form. The other form is a relay panel mounted device with raised-hinged form. Its size depends on the chosen form.

Rack mounting
483 mm
132,5 mm
201 mm
Panel mounting
490 mm
250 mm
250 mm

Weight: 8 kg.

  • digital disturbance recorder (see separate information sheet)
  • SCADA connection (see EuroProt system information sheet)
  • output relays with 4 A breaking capability
Information required with order
  • Protection type [DCVA-120/EP or DCVA-DTVA-EP]
  • Rated current [1 A, 5 A]
  • Rated voltage [100 V, 200 V]
  • Output relay contact type [NC or NO]
  • Protection case type
  • Options if needed
  • Needed trip circuit supervision